
New Report Details Ocean Conservation Priorities for America the Beautiful
For years, Tribal and Indigenous communities and other local community leaders have proposed and stewarded conservation actions for our ocean and coasts. This report, published by the National Ocean Protection Coalition, features Tribal, Indigenous, and community-led proposals which provide a unique opportunity to continue addressing the climate crisis and ensure that all people can benefit from an effective, inclusive, and representative system of ocean and coastal protected areas.
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NFWF and NOAA Announce $144 Million in Grants to Support Coastal Resilience Projects
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and NOAA announced $144 million in new grants to support natural infrastructure projects in 31 coastal states and U.S. territories. We are thrilled to announce that SASMI’s submission, led by LegacyWorks Group and funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, is among those being awarded! Learn more about the grant and funded projects here.
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Morehead City’s Sugarloaf Island restoration project begins
Construction of a long-planned project to save Sugarloaf Island, the rapidly eroding, uninhabited barrier island across from the Morehead City waterfront, is officially underway. Carteret County-based Sandbar Oyster Co. will soon be deploying its oyster tables on the east end of the island. Made of biodegradable hardscape formed in the shape of a table, these are designed to provide a surface for oysters to attach and grow and create an intertidal oyster reef and salt marsh habitat.
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America the Beautiful Challenge Recipients Receive $141 Million in Grants
The Department of Defense’s (DOD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program is pleased to join the Council on Environmental Quality and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) in announcing over $141 million in grants through the new America the Beautiful Challenge (ATBC). The 74 new grants will support projects that conserve, restore, and connect habitats for wildlife while improving community and installation resilience across 46 states and three U.S. territories.
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Video Explains Key Takeaways from 2022 Interagency Sea Level Rise Technical Report
A new video shares the most up-to-date sea level rise projections for the United States and encourages viewers to take some initial steps. The video highlights key takeaways from the 2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report, with a focus on the impacts on coastal communities.
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Southeast Conservation Blueprint 2023 now available
The latest update to the Southeast Conservation Blueprint, version 2023, is now available! As part of that expansion, there are now 18 new Caribbean indicators for land, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, and there are 9 new or improved indicators for the continental marine areas.
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Grant to support living shoreline, wetland restoration work
NEWPORT — The North Carolina Coastal Federation recently received $1.53 million from the North Carolina Land and Water Fund to support several efforts, including the nonprofit organization’s living shoreline cost-share program and large-scale wetland restoration in Carteret County.
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US Fish and Wildlife Service announces major expansion of Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the addition of 446 acres to the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near Charleston, a key acquisition that will boost wintering wetland habitat for migratory birds and recreational opportunities for bird lovers. Cape Romain covers about 10 percent of the South Carolina coastline and serves as critical wintering and breeding grounds for dozens of migratory shorebirds. The soon to be acquired, previously private land will add needed wetlands, managed impoundments, and forested uplands to Cape Romain.
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